National Association of Marine Firefighting Organizations
The national Association of Marine Firefighting Organizations was formed in 2000 to promote and encourage the formation of formal response organizations and groups in our nation's ports. These organiztions work together to address national and regional issues such as training, planning and regualtions affecting marine response. The founding members of NAMFO include:
Maritime Incident Resource and Training Partnership (MIRTP), Port of Boston
Tri-state Maritime Safety Association, Ports of the Delaware River, DE, PA, NJ
Mid-Chesapeake Emergency Response Group (MCMERG), Port of Baltimore, MD
HR Maritime Incident Response Team (MIRT), Port of Hampton Roads, VA
Maritime Fire and Safety Association (MFSA), Port of Portland, OR
The Association of Marine Firefighting Organizations (AMFFO) combines the strengths, diversity and uniqueness of regional Marine Fire Fighting and Safety organizations to promote the development and enhancement of the maritime response capabilities and safety throughout the Maritime Transportation System.
The Association of Marine Firefighting Organizations shall promote, enhance and facilitate international, national and regional maritime emergency planning, preparedness, consequence management, response and education to ensure a safe environment for responders, crews, passengers and citizens and to protect the nation’s maritime assets and environment, through training, planning, standards and information sharing.
Foster partnerships between organizations of emergency responders, law enforcement, business and industry and the maritime community to support their mutual emergency response needs.
Provide information and input to governmental as well as other national and international organizations concerning maritime issues involving or impacting emergency management and emergency response.
Promote approaches to planning and response for maritime emergencies including hazardous materials, Weapons of Mass Destruction, maritime transportation, and maritime interfaces with air, highway, rail, bridges, tunnels and other transportation systems.
Provide, support, and promote research, education and training opportunities for emergency responders and the maritime community.
Promote and support standards for marine firefighting and response.
Promote and support exercises, which develop expertise, refine skills, evaluate tactics, and build upon lessons learned.
Assist member organizations in identifying and addressing potential solutions for the major logistical and resource problems that are present in their ports or exist with maritime emergencies.
Identify and obtain sponsorship and/or financial support to further the goals and objectives of AMFO.
Develop, expand, and maintain a list of resources to include advisors, equipment, best practices, training, and lessons-learned to be made available to members upon request.
Provide, support, and promote planning and training opportunities for the maritime community.