The Tri-state Maritime Safety Association (TMSA), combining the Delaware River and Bay Marine Fire Fighting Task Force (MFFTF) & Tri-state Search And Rescue (TriSAR), promotes partnerships between local responders and the maritime community for regional maritime emergency preparedness within Delaware, Pennsylvania, and New Jersey.
425 Carl Miller Blvd Camden, New Jersey, 08104, USA
New Jersey
MarineFire-Rescue Training
The Organization
TMSA was formed as the Delaware River and Bay Marine Fire Fighting Task Force in 1980, a volunteer organization to address regional marine fire fighting issues.
In 1998, the U.S. Coast Guard Captain of the Port, Philadelphia met with the Directors of Emergency Management of New Jersey, Delaware and Pennsylvania to propose the formation of a permanent home to the Marine Fire Fighting Task Force. Together they formulated a plan and wrote the Charter of TMSA.
In 1999, TMSA incorporated as a non-profit in NJ and serving PA and DE, combining the MFFTF and Tri-state Search And Rescue to address Maritime Safety within our ports.
TMSA has since become a national leader in addressing Maritime Consequence Management issues. TMSA membership includes local responders with waterfront jurisdiction, commercial waterfront facilities, vessel operators, port authorities, shipyards, tug & barge operators, maritime industry, specialized response equipment distributors, and appropriate federal & state agencies. In addition to the planning role, select members of the Maritime Incident Response Team (MIRT) respond to incidents to provide technical expertise to local responders to help mitigate incidents Contact TMSA for more information
Training Programs used by Fire Department of City of New York ! Who provides your training needs?
TMSA, through local partnerships, has initiated training and exercise programs for local law enforcement agencies with responsibilities for the maritime regions of the Delaware River and Bay. Through these efforts and activities in coordination with the Coast Guard chaired Port Security Committee, local law enforcement agencies are actively enhancing their resources and capabilities to support regional maritime security needs. Additional information on Port Security can be obtained from contacting the U.S. Coast Guard Philadelphia Port Security Planning Branch at 215-271-4800.
Training Programs
Marine Fire Fighting - extensive land based Marine Fire Fighting Training based upon NFPA’s 1405 Guide including Train-the-Trainer & Maritime Emergency Ship/Shore Interface. (Awareness, Operations, Technician, Specialist, and Incident Command) *************************** Maritime Search And Rescue - TMSA offers SAR Boat Operator & Crewman courses for responders. ************************** Flood Response - Courses are now available for Flood Response in the Urban Environment ************************** Coast Guard Approved Marine Fire Training - Basic Marine Fire Fighting CLICK HERE to register or find course schedules
NEW ODP Certification: Our Marine Fire I and II have been combined into a 16 hour Harbor Incidnet Response Training Program that has been institutionalized by ODP as part of our FDNY training program. It is listed under the NY-002-RESP under approved state training programs in the ODP State Catalog.
Exercises & Planning
TMSA conducts & coordinates training & response exercises to assess the effectiveness of plans & training programs.
TMSA offers planning services for contingency plans, pre-incident plans, and exercise plans for vessels and facilities.
Maritime Incident Response Team (MIRT)
The MIRT provides support to local Incident Commanders, the Coast Guard, and Martime Industry during Maritime Emergencies. It is comprised of marine firefighters, maritime specialists, and other Key Technical Adivisors critical to maritime operations.
TMSA is primarily supported by our volunteer members. We have a very limited staff to manage daily administration and rely on our membership to support our training, exercise, planning and operational needs. We need a large variety of motivated instructors, firefighters, maritime personnel, maritime specialists, and many others to successfully this critical regional organziation. Contact us by phone or email below if you are interested in supporting your maritime first responder community and our ports.
The MIRTeam is always looking for certain types of used equipment that many departments no longer need. A primary example are old ladder pipes and Stang guns that can be retrofited by our team to be utilzed on board vessels as master streams. If you have any old equipment you wish to donate, contact us today!
Marine Firefighting Command School
We had another great year of training. We had firefighters from all over the country in attendance. We look forward to another great year in October of 2025.
This year's Command School is scheduled for October 20-24th in Virginia Beach. Mark you schedule and we'll post when registration begins (usually late summer). If you have any questions, please reach out to us.
We had another great year! Over 110 firefighters from the States and several other countries attended the course. We look forward to next year. Mark you calendars for May 12 - 17, 2025 and check back for more details. Registration usually opens in February.
If you're interested in our courses that we can bring to you, please reach out to us at
TMSA has combined efforts with NSU NOVA Southeastern University to provide Marine Firefighting and Marine Response Training at little or no cost to your organization under a federal grant funded training program. We are starting a new grant cycle, so reach out if interested in this program. Please contact us(click here)if you are interested. This program covers most of our training programs. Contact us to see if you qualify for this training initiative.
TMSA conducts more Great Lakes
Marine Firefighter Training
TMSA has completed training in Muskegon, MI, Green Bay, WI and Erie, PA this spring. This training is being provided through grant funds adminsitered through NOVA Southeastern University as part of their HazMIRTSI program. Please contact us for more information.
Philadelphia Fire Department
Los Angeles/Long Beach Fire Departments
Charleston Fire Department
TMSA has just completed Marine Firefighter Training for 500 members of Philadelphia Fir.e, over 250 members of both the Los Angeles and Long Beach Fire Departments and over 300 firefighters from the Charleston Fire Department. This program included classroom and practical training upon a vessel. These were a multi0year projects through 2019 through the end of 2024
Tri-state Maritime Safety Assn trains Panama Canal personnel in our Marine Firefighting Program
Spring 2018
Canal de Panama, Panama
TMSA has completed the second round of training for the Panama Canal Authority (ACP) during August and September. TMSA presented Marine Firefighting for Land-based Firefighters, during our first trip in June, providing training to an additiional 40 personnel from the ACP fire department and members of the Panama Bomberos. This completes the entire departments training program for NFPA 1005 Marine Firefighter. The training concluded with a practical exercise on an ACP vessel simulating fire conditions and conducting rescue drills.
Schedule your
NFPA 1005 Marine Firefighter 1 and 2
FEMA approved under state programs! It is listed under the